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About Sandy Rabinowitz

me and early Twisteezwire  horses_edited

Sandy Rabinowitz from Bethany, Connecticut is an illustrator, watercolorist, and wire sculpture artist. She portrays all types of subject matter in her artwork but is most known for her horses. 


Sandy’s life with horses began when she won a pony at the age of eight.  From that moment on she participated in all aspects of horse ownership, from falling off naughty ponies to showing horses she bred and trained in dressage shows, competitive trail rides and combined driving. Sandy’s firsthand observations of horses are expressed in thousands of drawings that fill sketchbooks, note pads and table mats at restaurants.


Success as an equine artist came early for Sandy when she attended Parsons School of Design in the 1970s.  While there, she illustrated a horse story that her father had made up and told her as a child. His story, The Red Horse and the Bluebird became part of a portfolio she was creating of her artwork.  Sandy showed it to an editor at Harper and Row who loved the story and chose to publish it.  After graduating from Parsons, Sandy wrote and illustrated several other picture books based on her own experience breeding and training a rather naughty horse named Sunny. They were What’s Happening to Daisy?, A Colt Named Mischief, and How I Trained my Horse.


Throughout her life Sandy has been commissioned to paint equine portraits and illustrate horse books and magazine articles.  Dressage Today magazine published her monthly illustrations for the “Solutions” feature that appeared on the last page. 

Throughout Sandy’s career as a painter and illustrator she always had an itch to try her hand at sculpture. She just couldn’t find the time to fit it in her busy schedule. She finally got her chance when her aging parents needed her to help manage their home business.


Her parents, both art teachers, manufactured and sold an art and crafts material they called Twisteezwire. While Sandy began to run the family business she found herself experimenting with the wire by bending and shaping it into small three-dimensional horses. She was intrigued with the idea of drawing with wire to create the illusion of solid form and movement. 


Inspired to create larger and stiffer pieces Sandy began to use heavier gauge electrical wire and solid copper wire.  Family and friends loved the sculptures she was creating. Encouraged, she entered one of her first pieces, Ethereal Horse, in the sculpture division of the 2011 Ex Arte Equinus international art competition.  Ethereal Horse was chosen to appear on their website and be published in their annual book of selected equestrian art. 


Her sculptures can now be seen at Tilting at Windmills gallery in Manchester, Vermont and Equis Art Gallery in Red Hook, New York. 


Available sculptures are listed for sale in her online store. To request a commission for a sculpture please fill out the form on her Contact page.

Video: Watch close-ups of Sandy creating a copper wire horse sculpture.

Contact Me

203 393-2397

 © 2019 by Sandy Rabinowitz

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